ANCHO CHILE POWDER - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

20 Oz. Jar | $14.14 |
ANCHO CHILE POWDER - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free
The Ancho (Ahn-Cho) Chile is the most commonly used chile in Mexico. Ancho Powder is made from grinding whole Anchos, seeds, and pod both. Ancho powder (35 mesh) is 100% pure. Grown in Mexico, Ancho Chiles are common to Mexican and Southwestern cooking, they are actually a dried Poblano pepper and are often mislabeled as a “Pasilla” or “Mulato” pepper. Dried Ancho Chiles are brick red to reddish black or mahogany color and range in size up to 4 inches in length. The Ancho Chile along with the Pasilla and Guajillo chiles form the "Holy Trinity" of chiles used to prepare traditional mole sauces. Ancho Chiles are often the ingredient in chili, soups, sauces, and salsas. Approx. Scoville units are 4,000 to 9,000.
Ingredient Statement:
Dried Ancho Chiles.
For warm, savory soups, add Ancho Powder directly to the cooking liquid with other spices. Sprinkle over poultry or fish before grilling, add to sauces, salsa and chili. Sprinkle in your favorite vinaigrette to create a vibrant salad or pasta salad. Sprinkle on popcorn with garlic powder for a spicy snack.
Recommended Preparation Instructions:
Chile Powders require no preparation. Add directly to recipes when a boost of flavor and heat are desired. Substitute 1 tbs. of Ancho Powder when a recipe calls for 1 whole Ancho chile.