ARROWROOT - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

18 Oz. Jar | $9.99 |
ARROWROOT - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free
Arrowroot is a tall perennial with long shiny leaves that sport swollen, creeping fleshy rhizomes with upward-curving, cylindrical tubers covered with large, thin scales. Grinding these thick rhizomes into a starchy white powder makes Arrowroot. Used primarily as a culinary and cosmetic thickening agent, Arrowroot is also identified as an easily digested and nourishing food for convalescents. Arrowroot has a neutral taste and thickens at lower temperatures than cornstarch. Arrowroot can be used to thicken more delicate egg-based soups and sauces and imparts a glossy look to the sauce. Do not add too early in the cooking process, as overheating tends to destroy its thickening property. Arrowroot was used for application to wounds from a scorpion, snake, and spider bites and to arrest gangrene and aid in the healing of arrow wounds, thus believed to be the origin of the name.
Ingredient Statement:
Arrowroot can be used as a substitute for Wheat Flour or Cornstarch. It imparts no flavor to your food and cooks up clear with a smooth texture and can be used as flour in some baking recipes. Arrowroot can be used in stews, soups, puddings, biscuits, and soufflés.
Recommended Preparation Instructions:
Mix with cold water before adding to sauces and gravies to prevent lumps. If used as a flour, add to recipes as called for and adjust the amount as needed.