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ARBORIO RICE, BROWN - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

Brown Arborio Rice
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10# Bag $64.23

ARBORIO RICE, BROWN - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free



Temporarily Unavailable...  Brown Arborio Rice is a nutritious short, plump grain. Brown Arborio Rice has a wonderful slightly chewy texture with a flavor that is nutty. Because it retains the outside bran layer that surrounds the kernel, Brown Arborio Rice is higher in nutrients than white rice. Although Arborio Rice is typically used to make Risotto, our Brown Arborio Rice does not contain the high starch content of regular Arborio thus not the best choice for making Risotto.

Ingredient Statement:

Brown Rice.

Click here to purchase Seasonings sold separately.




Brown Arborio Rice is a richly nutritious grain for salads, it's nutty flavor complements beans, vegetables, and dressings.  Brown Arborio rice pairs well with mushrooms, chicken, and shrimp.  Use anywhere that you would normally use brown rice.

Recommended Preparation Instructions:

Add 1 cup rice and 2-1/4 cups water to the pot. Bring to a boil over high heat. Cover, turn heat to low and simmer for 40 minutes. Fluff with fork before serving.

One cup dry yields 3 cups cooked.