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BUCKWHEAT GROATS - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

Buckwheat Groats
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10# Bag $72.56

BUCKWHEAT GROATS - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free



Temporarily Unavailable...   Buckwheat is a short-season crop that does well on poor soils. Buckwheat is not technically a grain but is a fruit, an annual related to Rhubarb and Sorrel. Native to Central Asia, Buckwheat was introduced to Europe at the end of the middle ages. The word Buckwheat is said to come from the Anglo-Saxon words boc (beech) and whoet (wheat) because the seed resembled a small beechnut and yet was similar in size to a wheat kernel. When unprocessed, the Buckwheat seed is three-sided and has a thick, hard outer shell that must be removed before eating. This is usually done mechanically and the remaining inner seed is called a Groat. Hulled Buckwheat is cream-colored and the groats are small and angular shaped. When roasted, this grain is called Kasha and can be used in breakfast cereals, bread, soups, and stuffing. Buckwheat Groats carry a hearty, earthy-sweet malted tone, which enhances the flavor of your dish. Buckwheat Groats are an excellent source of easily digestive protein, containing all eight essential amino acids; they are a good source of fiber.

Ingredient Statement:

Buckwheat Groats.

In recent years, buckwheat has been used as a substitute for other grain in gluten-free beer. The nutty, earthy flavor of groats is found in knishes, soba noodles, piroshki, pilafs, cold salads, and as a breakfast food. Buckwheat Groats can be dry-roasted, sauteed, baked, braised, or marinated.

Recommended Preparation Instructions:

Rinse 1 cup Buckwheat Groats in cold water.  Do not soak! Place the groats in a saucepan with 2 cups of water.  Bring to a boil, reduce heat, cover and simmer 10 to 15 minutes.  

One cup dry equals 2 cups cooked.