RUNNER BEANS, SCARLET - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

10# Bag | $89.81 |
RUNNER BEANS, SCARLET - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free
Scarlet Runner beans are long, twining perennial vines that are usually grown as annuals for their showy flowers and their edible pods and seeds. This climbing plant, one of the oldest documented beans known to man - was brought to the British Isles in the 17th century for decorative use because of its stunning flowers. Some Native American tribes regard the Scarlet Runner bean as a sacred plant. The Scarlet Runner Bean has a long, green bean-type pod that holds plump, crimson-streaked, fawn-colored, medium-size seeds. Young runners pod can be prepared the same as green beans. Here in the U.S. consumers are more likely to find the shelled dried beans. Mature dried Scarlet Runner beans are ¾ inch in length and are purple with black, streak-like patches. They can be cooked like Pinto or Pink beans and used in dishes such as soups and stews. Scarlet Runner beans are less starchy than Lima beans with a nutty garden-fresh flavor. Also known as Scarlet Conqueror, Fire beans, Mammoth beans, Red Giant beans, and Scarlet Emperor beans.
Ingredient Statement:
Heirloom Bean.
The Scarlet Runner has a mild flavor that makes it very versatile. Delicious in soups, stews, chili, salads, and tasty when cooked with mushrooms and chile peppers. One cup dry yields 2 - 2 2/3 cup cooked.
Recommended Preparation Instructions:
Soak overnight in plenty of water. Drain, rinse, and place in a large pot that has a lid. Add enough water to cover beans by 1 inch. Bring to a boil for 3 minutes, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 45-50 minutes until tender.
One cup dry yields 3 cups cooked.