SHIITAKE, SLICED MUSHROOM - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

1# Bag | $24.82 |
SHIITAKE, SLICED MUSHROOM - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free
Shiitake (shee - tah - kay) is an Asian mushroom often called a wild mushroom; however, it is only found cultivated. Available fresh in nearly all U.S. markets there is also a very large demand for the dry form. Dried Shiitakes have pale brown to dark reddish-brown caps about 1 to 1 3/4 inches wide, with tan gills underneath. The rim of the dried Shiitake curls down toward the stem, which is tough and fibrous and is generally detached and discarded. Shiitakes have a firm, white, meaty flesh with a rich, and smoky flavor. Shiitake mushrooms are also called Chinese Forest mushrooms, Golden Oak mushrooms, Oriental Black mushrooms, and Emperor's mushrooms. This fungus grows in clusters on hardwood, such as oak, chestnut, and beech. Known for its health benefits, the Shiitake has been noted for its ability to help fight infection and disease and for being beneficial for the heart. Dried Shiitake mushrooms are preferable over fresh since their flavor is stronger. This popular savory mushroom is used in stuffing, stir-fry, soups, sauces, casseroles, omelets, and quiche.
Ingredient Statement:
Shiitake Mushrooms.
Contains Naturally Occurring Sulfites.
The Shiitake can be sautéed, baked, or broiled and can be used in soups, casseroles, sauces, and used in stuffing for meat, poultry, and fish. Delicious breaded and fried, add Shiitake mushrooms to vegetable and Asian soups or chop and mix with bread crumbs for a savory stuffing for grilled vegetables. Plum glazed Shiitake mushrooms or garlic soup with Shiitake mushrooms make wonderful appetizers.
Recommended Preparation Instructions:
To reconstitute dried Shiitake mushrooms, place the desired amount in a bowl, cover with hot tap water and let soak for 15-20 minutes. Rinse and add directly to recipe that will cook for at least 25 minutes. The general rule, 1 oz. dry reconstitutes to 3-4 oz.
Substitutes: Crimini mushrooms, Straw mushrooms, Porcini Powder, or Oyster mushrooms.