SESAME SEED, BLACK - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

22 Oz. Jar | $15.58 |
SESAME SEED, BLACK - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free
Temporarily Unavailable... Sesame Seed may be the oldest seasoning known to man, dating back to 3000 B.C., Assyria. It grows widely throughout the Orient and in India and is prized as both a condiment and for its oil. Used in many cultures, Sesame Seeds were used by the Babylonians for Sesame cakes, wine, and brandy as well as for cooking oil and toiletries. The Egyptians used Sesame Seeds for medicinal purposes as early as 1500 B.C. Sesame Seeds were brought to America by the African Slaves who referred to the seed as the Benne Seed. Sesame Seeds are rich in protein and in polyunsaturated oil. Typically the seeds are pressed into oils or made into pastes to serve as flavoring agents or in sauces. With a flavor that is rich, nutty, and sweet, Sesame Seeds can impart its unique flavor in many different dishes. Sesame Seeds are flat and tiny and can be pale white or black in color. The Black Sesame Seed is less common and has a stronger flavor than the white.
Ingredient Statement:
Black Sesame Seeds.
Sesame Seeds are used to add texture and flavor to a variety of bread, rolls, crackers, and salad dressings. Sesame Seeds offer their sweet and nutty taste to cheese spreads, sauces, cakes, cookies, and butter spreads.
Sesame seeds have been used as a snack food for the Paleo and Keto Diet plans.
Recommended Preparation Instructions:
Toast or grind sesame seeds or add directly to your recipe. To toast, heat a frying pan or skillet on high, add seeds, and stir occasionally. Watch seeds closely. When the seeds release a toasted nutty fragrance, remove from pan or skillet (about 3-5 minutes).