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FRENCH NAVY BEANS - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free

French Navy Beans
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10# Bag $55.60

FRENCH NAVY BEANS - Kosher/Naturally Gluten Free



The Navy Bean, also known as the Pea bean, is related to the Kidney Bean and the most widely known bean in the white bean family. The “white Pea bean” was such a popular food on early U.S. Naval vessels that it became known as the Navy bean. Small, white, and oval-shaped, the Navy bean is about 3/8 inch long with a mild flavor and powdery texture. Most often used when making baked beans, they are a staple in minestrone soup, and can be used in stews. The Navy Bean absorbs flavor easily so it works well for soups and chili.

Ingredient Statement:

French Navy Beans.

French Navy is a mild-flavored bean and since it absorbs other flavors during cooking it is deliciously seasoned with Thyme, Savory, or Rosemary. Navy beans are well known for use in baked bean dishes, most often used in ham soups and vegetarian stews. Pureed navy beans are a great accompaniment to a meal that you might otherwise serve with potatoes or rice. One cup dry yields 2 2/3 cup cooked.

Substitutes: Great Northern, Cannellini, Flageolet, or Lima beans.

Recommended Preparation Instructions:

Soak overnight. Rinse and place in a large pot and cover with fresh water. Bring to a boil for 3 minutes, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for 60-90 minutes until tender.  The skins slip off easily, so stir gently while cooking.

One cup dry yields 2-2/3 cups cooked.